
The curriculum at the Nevada Children’s Center has been developed by our skilled, trained staff to address behaviors by dividing them into four main behavior categories.

Each week of the year is assigned a color, or behavior category; all the activities that week will have a primary focus on that category. The activities are hand selected and modified to the address the unique needs of all of our clients.

Impulse Control & Attending to Task

Demonstrate the ability to begin a task and remain focused until the task is completed or the time allotted for this task is over.

Control physical and verbal impulses. Demonstrate the ability to control physical and verbal impulses by staying in designated seat, raising your hand to talk, and only speaking when appropriate.

Ability to stay in a safe and supervised area without redirection and understanding why it is important to do so.

Anger Management & Anxiety Control

Address the ability to step back from the situations and use calming strategies to ensure being in control of oneself.

Comfort anxiety and understand what causes anxious feelings leading to the ability to use coping skills to handle those feelings and work through them.

Handle disappointment by gaining the ability to grieve and/or be upset while still having full control of physical and emotional responses.

Verbalize legitimate frustrations using words, not emotions, to express feelings and understand words will produce results more efficiently.

Expressing Your Feelings & Self Esteem

Appropriately verbalizing feelings while utilizing coping skills and maintaining self-control..

Acknowledge the positive strengths about yourself, set realistic goals and understanding how they will be obtained, and setting personal boundaries in order to grow individually.

Identify what your body feels like when you experience emotions; including positively placing emotions with how you feel and understanding what brought about those feelings.

Socializing & Communication

Greet people with socially appropriate introductions and using gestures that fit each situation appropriately whether it be shaking a person’s hand or giving a hug.

Interact with peers appropriately by initiating and maintaining conversations, inviting peers to play and not provoking verbal/physical fights with others.

Utilize appropriate verbal communication skills; including initialing and maintaining conversations using proper tone of voice and eye contact.